Parking in downtown Lexington garage will be free during construction project next week

helix parking garage

Parking will be free at the Helix garage on Main Street in Lexington early next week, while the parking structure is getting an electrical system upgrade.

The project is scheduled to begin Monday and end Tuesday night, but it’s possible the work could continue into Wednesday, the city said in a news release Friday afternoon.

LexPARK, otherwise known as the Lexington & Fayette County Parking Authority, runs the city’s public parking, operates the garage and is making the upgrade. The parking authority does not receive taxpayer funding but does operate under the authority of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government.

“These upgrades are a part of the Lexington Parking Authority long range Capital Asset Management Plan,” the news release stated. “They include the replacement of existing electrical panel boxes, breakers, a transformer, and associated components essential to the operation of the garage.”

Parking will free during the construction, and the gates will be up. People who pay a monthly fee to park in the garage won’t need to scan their access cards, the news release stated.

The electricity will be off in the garage Monday and part of Tuesday. Because of this, the city said the garage will be closed to the public overnight, beginning at 7 p.m. Monday.

The city said the elevator will continue to function, and temporary lighting will be installed in the stairwell and tunnel leading from Main Street to the elevator.

During construction, the city said LexPARK will have staff at the Helix garage to help visitors with daytime needs, and a security officer will patrol the structure during the nighttime hours.

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