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122 North Broadway
Lexington, KY 40507

859.231.PARK (7275)
M-F 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Business & Event


Meter bags can be used to close or reserve on-street parking for a variety of reasons, such as to accommodate construction or parades and other events.

To request a meter bagging, applications must be submitted at least 48 hours prior to the start date in which bags are needed. Bagging fees and additional information can be found on the Meter Bag Application. Completed applications may be e-mailed, mailed, faxed or submitted in person to LEXPARK.


Monthly parking passes are available for purchase by individuals or businesses. Please be aware monthly permit availability in our four garages (Victorian Square, Transit Center, Helix and Courthouse) as well as select on-street locations changes periodically.

ATTENTION HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: A discounted monthly parking rate of just $20/month + tax is available to downtown hospitality workers, such as those in the service industry.

To see all rates, current availability, and other information visit our Monthly Parking Portal.

If you are a resident, see information about our Residential Parking Permit.


To operate a valet parking service which uses any public right-of-way, a valet parking permit must first be obtained. Permits are applicable to both one-time events and continually operating valet services.

Permit fees, requirements and additional information can be found on the Valet Parking Permit Application. Completed applications may be e-mailed, mailed, or submitted in person to Lexington Parking Authority Office.


For those interested in providing their guests with complimentary parking, we offer the following validations:

  • One, two, and three-hour validations (standard rate)
  • Full day validations (standard rate)
  • 50% off standard price validations (these validations cost $0.10 each)
  • Validations are also available in full dollar amounts from $1 to $12

For more information, contact us.